Year 11 Mathematics B
    General Resources 
    Graphics Calculators

Chapter One
    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three
    Chapter Four
    Chapter Five

    Chapter Seven
    Chapter Eight
    Chapter Nine
    Chapter Ten
    Chapter Eleven
 Year 12 Mathematics B

Oxford University Press

 Work Programs

   Kiddy Bolger
   Rex Boggs
   Rhonda Faragher
   John Belward

 Email: Webmaster

Graphics Calculators

Summary of Commands - TI-82 and TI-83      (pdf)
A keystroke summary for the TI-82 and TI-83 calculator. Sections include Getting Started, Using the Calculator as a Scientific Calculator, Early Algebra, Probability Simulations, Statistics, Linear and Non-linear Regression, and Calculator to Calculator Link.

This handout has proven to be very useful with students. Dowloadable in pdf format.

Graphics Calculator Instructions - all makes and models
This website contains on-line instructions for TI, HP, Casio and Sharp graphics calculators.

Getting Started with TI Calculators
'Getting Started' documents have been prepared by teachers for users beginning to use graphics calculators. They have been developed by various authors to help teachers. Unless otherwise specified, they may be freely copied for classroom use. Click on each link to get a description of the document.

Key Procedures for the TI-83      (pdf)
A collection of 'How to ...' procedures for the TI-83 covering the basic features. It was prepared by David Tynan and John Dowsey. Downloadable in pdf format.

On-line Tutorial for the TI-82
This is an on-line Powerpoint presentation which teaches the basics of using a